Dangers of Not Wearing a Seat Belt

Driving is considered to be a dangerous task that should always be practiced with the upmost caution and precision. Though there are many factors that can potentially cause an accident to take place (i.e. drinking and driving, texting while driving, poor weather conditions, etc.), there is one element that each driver and passenger can control and should constantly be conscious of—wearing a seatbelt. Despite your age or common placement in the vehicle, (front or back seat), we encourage you to read further to see various statistics on driving without a seat belt.

Facts Regarding Seat Belt Usage

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, car accidents are the leading cause of death among those aged 5 to 34 in the United States. The most reliable method of saving lives and preventing injuries from occurring is to wear a seat belt. However, millions of drivers and passengers choose not to wear seat belts on every day occasions. Various statistics regarding seat belt usage include:

  • Seat belts can reduce injury and death rates by 50%
  • Adults aged 18-34 are less likely to wear seat belts than those 35 or older
  • Men are 10% less likely to wear seat belts than women
  • In 2011, 58% of teen drivers killed in crashes were not wearing a seat belt
  • Teens have the lowest seat belt use of any other age group

Though all ages generally choose to ignore seat belt laws, it’s quite clear that teens are the most responsible for overlooking the safety option of a seat belt. According to teendriversource.org, common responses for teens not wearing a seat belt include:

  • The belts are uncomfortable
  • The trip was short
  • Forgetfulness
  • Lack of understanding a seat belt’s importance
  • Not being “cool”

According to the Naval Safety Center, only 1% of passengers who were wearing a seat belt were ejected from a car during a crash. Therefore, whether you’re in the driver’s seat, the passenger’s seat, or riding in the back, wearing a seat belt is equally important and should be incorporated on every single journey. Your life could be saved just by the simplest procedure of fastening your seat belt.

Stay Safe—Buckle Up!

Not only is wearing a seat belt the law, it’s an act that could and does save lives. It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you’re traveling to, or where you’re positioned in the car, you should always buckle up!